Notice of WCA AGM

Monday, 17 April 2023

Notice of WCA Annual General Meeting to be held in the Wetheral Village Community Hall at 8.00pm Thursday 11 May 2023

Members of the Wetheral Community Association Ltd are invited to attend the annual general meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Welcome
  2. Presentation of the Director's Annual Report
  3. Presentation of the Accounts
  4. Presentation of Special Resolution
  5. Vote on Special resolution
  6. Retirement and appointment of directors

Special resolutions

  1. That the Company with company number 05546692 and charity number 1112142 be converted to a
    Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“CIO”).
  2. That the name of the Company be changed from “Wetheral Community Association Limited” to “Wetheral Community Association CIO”.
  3. That the draft constitution of the CIO attached to this resolution be adopted as the constitution of the Company with company number 05546992 and charity number 1112142, in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Company’s existing memorandum and articles of association.


Directors Report to Annual General Meeting
for Year ending 2022

 This year required reviving interest in the Hall following the upheaval of Covid.  Progressively certain activities were allowed to operate and other groups prevented.  Even those activities that could operate could only do so under strict Risk Assessment guidelines.  Throughout the period due diligence checks had to be rigidly observed.  When restrictions were dropped the sales mix of the Hall was badly affected and considerable amount of work and negotiation was needed to rebalance our users list, maintaining a diversity of activities throughout the schedule. 

The Directors have maintained a watchful eye for the increase in Utilities charges when our fixed contract ceased. This was reflected in increased rental charges, which were postponed to the year end.  In March we applied for a Grant to replace the lights in the Main Hall, Offices, Salon and Play School with LED lamps.  This has been completed. 

Coupled with this project we planned to install 25KW of Battery storage.  At that time 80% of our solar output went into the National Grid, with no benefit to the hall.  Our objective is to store this surplus and use it in the early morning to run our air-source Heat Pump.  Sadly, as with so many things over this period, supply was delayed.  So the benefits were delayed into the 2023 Fiscal year. The £10,000 grant towards the project would be paid on submission of the invoice.

The operation of the hall continues to elicit great feedback from our customers.  We lost established customers and it is encouraging to see many new groups becoming new customers, making up for the shortfall following Covid.  Our Bookings Co-ordinator is quick to make use Social Media to promote activities.  Positive Feedback continues to drive new improved activities

During the course of the year we were happy to see our rental income from use of the hall returning to pre-pandemic levels. Hall hire income for the year was £45,974 compared with £20,908 in the previous year. In addition to this we have continued to receive rental income from both the Parish Council and hairdressing salon operating from the building.

The situation regarding the increase in parking facilities remains unresolved.  We were required to vacate the temporary overflow carpark made available to us in 2016 and now have to wait to see if another opportunity will arise to enable us to purchase additional land in the vicinity of the Community Centre.  The users of the Community Centre continue to express their satisfaction with the facilities on offer and appreciate the user friendliness and the level of maintenance of the building.

Financial review

During 2022 the Association made a surplus of £27,894 compared to £28,653 in 2021. Total income for the year was £64,513 (2021 - £59,037) and the total expenditure £36,619 (2021 - £30,384). There are reserves to carry forward at 31 August 2022 of £913,326, of which £734,553 is unrestricted and £178,773 are restricted. Free reserves at the year-end were £95,367.

Reserves policy

The Trustees’ policy with regard to cash reserves is that an amount of £50,000 is earmarked to cover one year’s operating costs in the event of a shutdown of the village hall and the loss rental income. Also included in this amount is a reserve for major building repair work which may be required at some time in the future.  Apart from the above, the remaining funds at the Charity's disposal continue to be held to acquire additional land for parking facilities should a favourable opportunity arise..


Why the Resolution to change to a CIO

For historical reasons the WCA does not have the most appropriate corporate structure for its current purposes.  This results in unnecessary administration and reporting. 

On the basis of professional advice from ACTion with Communities in Cumbria (ACT) and Burnetts Solicitors the trustees have agreed to present the Special Resolution to this General Meeting for approval. 

When created the Wetheral Community Association Ltd had no assets but big plans for a new village community centre.  The only suitable available corporate structure was a company limited by guarantee.  Since then the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) has been created for small charitable organisations, such as the WCA.  They are not companies and do not have to report to Companies House and are particularly suited to village halls. 

The intention will be to move to the ideal form of CIO for village halls which is a Foundation CIO which allows all members of the local community to vote at general meetings, rather than specific members, however that requires 2 stages.  The current resolution is the first stage, to convert to the CIO ‘Association’ constitution, which maintains the existing membership.  The second stage will be to convert the CIO to a ‘Foundation’ constitution.   The draft constitution is available on the WVCH website under Key documents on the Bookings page or the following link: