Grapevine - 10 November 2015

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

News from the Hall....
  • It is hoped to have a main external sign, situated on the road B6263, within the next few months subject to planning application. There is also an application to the  County Council to consider the provision of a footpath, continuing from the Hall to the Playing Fields.
  • Curtains are to be provided in the upstairs Meeting Room, which will be fire retardent with a blackout facility.
  • Wild flowers have been sown between the small trees around the car park. Many thanks to the Cubs and their leaders for their hard work with this project. Daffodil bulbs have also been added to some of this area.
  •  Funding has been acquired to upgrade the kitchen with new catering ovens and a new commercial extraction unit, to meet with all Health and Safety regulations.

Forthcoming events
Saturday November 21st 11am-4pm Christmas Fayre, Santa Grotto and sale of Ceilidh tickets (for Thursday December 31st)
Many thanks to all those who have helped, are helping and will help with any aspect of this event!
These fun and good community events can't happen without that help and it is much appreciated!
Monday December 7th 10am-4pm  A Christmas Workshop with Stanwix Flower Club £15
Get booked in and come along for a great day of ideas and activities for you to make for your home this Christmas           
Materials and refreshments provided.
Tickets and further information about the day from Linda Swatts 01228 711135
Thursday 31st December New Year Ceilidh with Thrice Brewed.  Doors open 8pm-1pm. Adults £20 Children under 12 free
Bar provided. Take your own food. All tables/places to be booked in advance.
Further information Celia Diggle 561176
Advance notice 2016

Sunday 24th January WCA Table top Sale  Further information Helen Hayward 560366

Saturday 6th February WCA Fireball Rock : Dance  Further information Celia Diggle 561176

Saturday 27th February Join the Pudding Club!  Sample as many puddings as you can...
Further information Diana Hanson 560337